
43 promobiss 1/2015 P romo -I deas LOCATION Palladium, Schanzenstraße 40, D-51063 Cologne FROM 10 AM Product presentations by promotional products suppliers // Lecture programme // Special shows: Best practice examples // Promotional Gift Award 2015 prize-giving ceremony // Exhibition of the winning products FROM 6 PM Get together (till 9 pm) VISITORS Promotional products distributors // Marketing decision-makers // Executives // Promotional products purchasers // Employees of advertising agencies and advertising industry service providers REGISTRATIONS necessary at: ADMISSION FEE Free of charge POWERED BY UNERHÖRT HÖRBAR DISTINCTIVE DISTINCTION IMPRESSIVELY INFORMATIVE CRUCIAL CONTACTS TOTALLY TOUCHABLE MARCH 25 TH , 2015 COLOGNE, PALLADIUM THE EXPERIENCE OF HAPT IC ADVERT ISING AZ_eppi_Haptica-live_1-1.indd 2 24.11.14 16:31